The Conversation Guide: Conversation Starters

The right conversations lead to connections. Connections lead to bonds. Bonds lead to strong relationships that last a lifetime.

This guide is ideal for sparking lively conversations and creating a fun atmosphere, whether in person or over the phone. You can use it to get to know someone on a date, during quality time with family and friends, or to deepen your connection with your significant other.

How to Use the Guide

  • Intentionally plan a night dedicated to purpose-driven conversation. This can be in person or via phone.
  • Download a copy to your device.
  • Make sure a copy is saved in your downloads folder on your device for future use.
  • Choose one person to control the conversations by choosing the topics. Choose a few questions to ask during your date or time with family/friends and have fun!

The questions cover a wide range of topics, from thought-provoking to lighthearted and fun. They are designed to help you build strong connections and bonds with family and friends, as well as have important discussions before getting married or entering into a serious relationship. By using this guide, you will not only form deeper connections, but you can also address potential relationship issues ahead of time to prevent major conflicts in the future.



For singles who are dating you can discover how compatible you are with someone in just a few hours. Compatibility is the primary factor that determines how successful a relationship will be. 

For couples who have difficulty having in-depth conversations you can find connections through discussing new topics.

For everyone else you can spend quality time with family and friends, engaging in meaningful conversations about all sorts of topics.


  • What does a healthy romantic relationship look like to you?
  • What would be a complete deal breaker for you in a relationship?
  • What are your must have traits for a romantic partner?
  • How do you define love?
  • Do you think it’s possible to be in love with more than one person?
  • What specifically makes you feel loved?
  • How do you believe finances should be handled between married couples or couples who live together?
  • Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
  • What do you spend the most money on?
  • How do you feel about guns and having one in the home?
  • How do you feel about vaccines?
  • What’s the most important thing to you?
  • How do you believe kids should be disciplined?
  • How do you feel about dirty dishes being left in the sink overnight?
  • How often do you clean your bathroom?
  • What movie(s) have you watched more than 3 times?
  • What old movie would you like to see in the theater again?
  • What do you wish your phone could do?
  • What are your guilty pleasures?
  • What annoys the hell out of you?
  • What’s your favorite holiday?
  • What’s your pet of choice?
  • Do you believe pets should be allowed in bed and on furniture?
  • What’s your best childhood memory?
  • If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • If you took a road trip across the country, who would you take with you?
  • When was the last time you cried?
  • What would make a perfect day?
  • Who causes the most drama in your family?

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